Sunday, September 18, 2011

Affuca Parrina - Biscuits for wines

!9# Affuca Parrina - Biscuits for wines

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Our first stop on our tour through the beautiful island of Sicily and romantic Affuca Parrina is - for Wine Biscuits ... or more frequently by Sicilians as "priest stranglers" called. I found this little story of Italian dessert, but what I found was a sort of perverse in an interesting way. It seems that this cake got its name in a moment of Italian history in which the Catholic Church owned and leased a large amount of property.

It was said that these cookies were justso delicious that the priest literally eaten so fast that she choked on it ... Some to the point of suffocation. Some cultures call this sweet Italian "Strozzepreti" and at times this term refers to the homemade pasta as well. This product can be found in the pantry of many Syracuse and Sicily Eastern country. My research has also shown that it is preferable, even by today's standards of diet because it contains little or no fat and little sugar. I also found a recipe for themthat is low in fat, and one that uses 1 / 3 cup of oil and a little 'wine. These are the recipes just for your edification.

Affuca Parrina - Strozzepreti - Low-fat Recipes

5 cups flour 1 / 3 cup sugar 5 large eggs Pinch of salt Juice of 1 lemon Flour for dusting Water

In a large bowl, add the flour, what a well in the center. In the pit, sugar, eggs, salt and lemon juice. Mix all these ingredients into the bowl. You may need tobit 'of water. With your hands, gather the dough together and knead smooth dough ball to continue.

Turn the dough on a board well-floured surface and divide the sphere into two halves. Then cut each half in half again so that four pieces. Knead each piece until a new compact, thus introducing a role that is about 1 ½ inches in diameter. Now this is where the fun is. You want to cut each roll into 8 pieces and shape the pieces into whatForm floats your boat, ie 3 or 4 inch long sticks, Well crescents, triangles, "S" shapes, circles, etc. creative here, people! The possibilities are endless.

Then, put water in a large saucepan and bring to a boil. Place the biscuits in boiling water and leave it until it reaches a boil again. Remove with a slotted spoon or slotted another tool with which the waste water. Place the biscuits and place them in a pan with clean towels.They will store in a cool place for about 24 hours.

To cook, remove from pans and place them on the prepared baking sheets that have greased and floured. You have to be positioned about 2 inches apart on baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees F for about 15 minutes or until golden brown.

Serve with a sweet wine like Marsala or Sicilian Gold.

Yield: about 30 cookies.

And here is theAnother variation of this sweet little Italian:

Affuca Parrina - Strozzepreti - Italian Wine Cookies Recipe

2-1/2 cups flour
1 / 3 cup sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1-1/2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper
Vegetable oil 1 / 3 cup
1 / 2 cup dry red wine
1 egg, lightly beaten with 1 tablespoon water

Get a large bowl, combine first 5 ingredients. Make a well in flour mixture and add the vegetable oiland wine. This mixture should be mixed thoroughly and store in refrigerator for about an hour.

If you are ready to bake, remove Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Put the dough from the refrigerator, and squeeze the balls of dough about an inch in height. Gently rotate the balls of dough between the palms of your hands and make a record, which is about ½ inch in diameter. It becomes a circle of dough as you register, pinching the ends together andclosed.

Interpret Place the circles on a cookie pan lined with parchment paper. Brush each circle next biscuit with egg mixture and water. Bake for 12 to 18 minutes until they feel firm and slightly crisp on the outside. These cookies do not really brown, so you will need to check for doneness at 12 minutes and adjust the cooking time to your personal taste.

Cool on racks and store in an airtight container. Yield: 2 1 / 2to 3 dozen.

Not really, "biscuits" ...

A note here on this Italian desserts, cookies are not really "cookies" in the American sense ... they are "cookies". They are delicious served with cheese and fruit for dessert after a delicious meal in Italian. They also have very well with fortified wines like Marsala or sweet ruby ​​port.

So we have two different ways of preparing this delicious little dessert and Italian wines included in the recipe No 2 adds a wonderful flavorthem. The applications and possibilities, these cookies are as endless as the forms that can be created. Enjoy these recipes and be creative. Amaze your friends and family with the taste and shapes around.

Back in a few days for another interesting and tasty sweet Italian - Sicilian style.

Bon Appetit

Affuca Parrina - Biscuits for wines

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